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The Adventures of So Hi (Signed copy)

Signed by Cynon Beaton-Jones
Cynon Beaton-Jones, illustrated by John Ward
James Barrie, London, 1951
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Golden Sceptre

1899, a Ruritanian thriller romance
Gerald H Thornhill
C Arthur Pearson, London, 1899
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Letters from Bishopsbourne

Three Writers in an English Village: Richard Hooker, Joseph Conrad, and Jocelyn Brooke
Christopher Scoble
BMM, Cheltenham, 2010
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

A Room with a View

Abinger Edition No 3, with extensive notes
E M Forster, edited by Oliver Stallybrass
Edward Arnold, London, 1977
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Japanese Sword Essentials

A profusely illustrated study of Japanese swords
Yoshiaki Limura
Unknown, Japan, 1961
Reference & Bibliography | Hard Cover | First Editions

Barnham Rectory

A 1934 romance from Doreen Wallace
Doreen Wallace, dustwrapper by J Z Atkinson
Collins, London, 1934
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

An Episode of Sparrows

1956 first edition of Rumer Godden's post-war classic
Rumer Godden
Macmillan, London, 1956
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Letters from Head-Quarters; or, the Realities of the War in the Crimea

1857, including an eye-witness account of The Charge of the Light Brigade
Somerset John Gough Calthorpe, as An Officer of the Staff
John Murray, London, 1857
Military & War | Hard Cover

The Cruise of the Breadwinner

1946, first edition of H E Bates' wartime novella
H E Bates, dustwrapper by Broom Lynne
Michael Joseph, London, 1946
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Everyman & Other Plays

1925, with beautiful illustrations printed in gold, blue and black by John Austen
John Austen, illustrator
Chapman & Hall, London, 1925
Drama | Hard Cover | First Editions

Architecture Industry and Wealth, Collected Papers

1902, a collection of eleven papers, speeches etc by William Morris
William Morris
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1902
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)

Signed by Howard Jacobson, his satire on Donald Trump
Howard Jacobson, illustrated by Chris Riddell
Jonathan Cape, London, 2017
Fiction | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Portraits and Speculations

1913, Arthur Ransome's essays, this copy signed by Maurice Firuski in 1916
Arthur Ransome
Macmillan, London, 1913
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions | Association Copy

Master Violinists in Performance

1982, Yasye, Thibaud, Szigeti, Menuhin etc
Henry Roth, foreword by Josef Gingold
Paganiniana Publications, Neptune City, NJ, 1982
Music | Hard Cover | First Editions

Professor Lev Ginsburg's Ysaye

An illustrated biographical study of the great Belgian violinist
Lev Ginsburg, edited by Dr Herbert R Axelrod. Translated by X M Danko
Paganiniana Publications, Neptune City, NJ, 1980
Music | Hard Cover | First thus

The Socialist Collective Agreement

The evolution and role of the collective agreements in the CMEA countries
Laszlo Nagy
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1984
Politics, Law & Economics | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Book of Common Prayer & Proper Lessons

c1860, beautifully bound leather set in leather carry case
Common Prayer
George E Eyre & William Spottiswoode, London, 1860
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

Far Below

Editor Robert Weinberg's collection of horror tales from the pulps
Robert E Weinberg, editor, dustwrapper by Lee Coyle Brown
Fax Collector's Editions, West Linn, Oregon, 1974
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Rich Man

A 1932 romance from Katharine Tynan in the original wrapper
Katharine Tynan
Collins, London, 1932
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

The Journal of William Morris Studies—10 issues

from Summer 2007 to Winter 2011
The William Morris Society
The William Morris Society, London, 2007
William Morris | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Best of Both Worlds (Signed copy)

Signed by John Andrew, Rector of St. Thomas' Church on New York's Fifth Avenue
John Andrew
William B Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1991
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Homage to Gaia

First printing of James Lovelock's autobiography
James Lovelock
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Peach Thief and other Bulgarian Stories

1968, four short stories from Bulgarian writers
Emilian Stanev, with Elin Pelin, Dimiter Talev, and Pavel Vezhinov, translated by Radost Pridham and Jean Morris
Cassell, London, 1968
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Psychedelic Reader & The Psychedelic Experience

Two books from Timothy Leary
Timothy Leary, with Ralph Metzner, Gunther M Weil, and Richard Alpert
Citadel Press, New York, 1993
Autobiography & Biography | Soft Cover

Heads & Tales (Signed copy)

Signed by Cornel Lucas, the Film Portraits of Cornel Lucas
Cornel Lucas, with a foreword by David Puttnam
Lennard Publishing, Luton, 1988
Photography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

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