
Browse by Subject Category—Fiction

The Day the Call Came

1964, first UK printing of Thomas Hinde's classic thriller
Thomas Hinde
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1964
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Drake's Drum (Signed copy)

Signed by Draycot M Dell, the co-creator of the 1933 King Kong screenplay
Draycot M Dell
Jarrold and Sons, London, 1920
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

The Good German (Signed copy)

Dedicated by Joseph Kanon
Joseph Kanon
Henry Holt, New York, 2001
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Inversions (Signed copy)

Signed by Iain M Banks, his sixth Culture novel
Iain M Banks
Orbit, London, 1998
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Demon

A 1989 hardback reissue of Hubert Selby Jr's novel
Hubert Selby Jr
Marion Boyars, London, 1989
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

The Color Purple *RESERVED*

1986, the first UK hardback edition
Alice Walker
The Women's Press, London, 1986
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Prince Otto, A Romance

1906, a fine leather Bumpus binding on Robert Louis Stevenson's romantic novel
Robert Louis Stevenson
Chatto & Windus, London, 1906
Fiction | Hard Cover | Fine Bindings | Leather Bound


1912 edition of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic in a fine Bumpus leather binding
Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by W B Hole
Cassell, London, 1912
Fiction | Hard Cover | Fine Bindings | Leather Bound

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

1913, in a fine half leather binding by Bumpus
Robert Louis Stevenson
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1913
Fiction | Hard Cover | Fine Bindings | Leather Bound

The Jungle Book

1902, an early printing in the uniform edition
Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by J L Kipling, W H Drake, and P Frenzeny
Macmillan, London, 1902
Fiction | Hard Cover

The Second Jungle Book

1901, an early printing in the uniform edition
Rudyard Kipling, with decorations by J Lockwood Kipling
Macmillan, London, 1901
Fiction | Hard Cover

Notes on an Execution (Signed copy)

Signed by Danya Kukafka
Danya Kukafka
Phoenix, London, 2022
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Rouge (Signed copy)

Signed by Mona Awad
Mona Awad
Scribners, London, 2023
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Warwick Edition of George Eliot, 1901. Nine volumes

Near complete, comprising Middlemarch, Scenes of Clerical life, Felix Holt, Romola, Silas Marner, Daniel Deronda, The Mill on the Floss
George Eliot
William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London, 1901
Fiction | Hard Cover | Leather Bound


The Olympia Press's first trade edition of 1958, and Beckett's second novel
Samuel Beckett
The Olympia Press, Paris, 1958
Fiction | Hard Cover | First thus

Places Where They Sing & Sound the Retreat (Signed copy)

With a typed letter signed by Simon Raven, the sixth book in the Alms for Oblivion series.
Simon Raven
Anthony Blond, London, 1970
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper


1928, the first UK edition of Francois Mauriac's novel
Francois Mauriac, translated by Eric Sutton
Martin Secker, London, 1928
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Golden Lotus

Clement Egerton's four volume translation of Chin P'ing Mei
Clement Egerton, his translation after Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng (attrib)
Graham Brash, Singapore, 1980
Fiction | Soft Cover | Slipcase

Another Country

James Baldwin's 1963 classic, with superb dustwrapper art by Noelle Sandwith
James Baldwin, dustwrapper by Noelle Ora Sandwith
The Book Club, London, 1963
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper | First thus

The Coming of the Monster

A Tale of the Masterful Monk (Problems of Human Happiness V)—1938
Owen Francis Dudley
Longmans, London, 1938
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper | First thus

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

1964, The Reprint Society's edition
John Le Carre
The Reprint Society, London, 1964
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

How Amusing! And a Lot of Other Fables

1929, first edition of Mackail's short stories
Denis Mackail
William Heinemann, London, 1929
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Well-Beloved

1897, first US edition on book form of Thomas Hardy's final novel
Thomas Hardy, frontispiece by H Macbeth-Raeburn
Harper & Brothers, New York, 1897
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Glass Mender & other stories

Maurice Baring's tales, some with a supernatural element, illustrated by S.B.
Maurice Baring, illustrated by S.B.
William Heinemann, London, 1926
Fiction | Hard Cover

The Novels of Thomas Peacock

1948, Headlong Hall, Melincourt, Nightmare Abbey, Maid Marian, The Misfortunes of Elphin, Crotchet Castle, and Gryll Grange
Thomas Peacock, edited by David Garnett. Dustwrapper by Joan Hassall.
Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1948
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

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