Browse by Subject Category—History
Two A J P Taylor first editions
Englishmen and Others (1956) and From Sarajevo to Potsdam (1966)
A J P Taylor
Various, London, 1956
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Red Square at Noon
1973, the first Penguin edition
Natalia Gorbanevskaya, translated by Alexander Lieven
Penguin Books, London, 1973
History | Soft Cover | First thus
The Naval Mutinies of 1797, Unity and Perseverance
A comprehensive study
Ann Veronica Coats, and Philip MacDougall, editors
Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2011
History | Hard Cover | First Editions
Serbia: The History of an Idea
First edition of this comprehensive study
Stevan K Pavlowitch
New York University Press, New York, 2002
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
The Birds of Ancient Egypt
Patrick Houlihan's comprehensive study of the role of birds in Ancient Egypt
Patrick F Houlihan, with the collaboration of and preliminary checklist to the Birds of Egypt by Steven M Goodman
The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, 1988
History | Soft Cover | First thus
The Crystal Sun (Signed copy)
Signed by Robert Temple, "Rediscovering a Lost Technology of the Ancient World"
Robert Temple, introduction by Arthur C Clarke
Century, London, 2000
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper
The Book of Saints and Heroes
1912, first edition of Andrew and Leonora Lang's telling of the saints' stories
Mrs Lang, edited by Andrew Lang, illustrated by H J Ford
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1912
History | Hard Cover | First Editions
The Making of the English Landscape: Leicestershire
W H Hoskin's Illustrated Essay on the History of the Landscape (1957)
W G Hoskins
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1957
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Berlin Diary, The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934–1941
The first UK printing of William L Shirer's diary of Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s
William L Shirer
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1941
History | Hard Cover | First Editions
The Queen's Wards
Wardship and Marriage under Elizabeth I
Joel Hurstfield
Longmans, London, 1958
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)
Signed by Merilyn Moos
Merilyn Moos, and Steve Cushion, introduction by Ian Birchall
Community Languages, London, 2020
History | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
This Smoking World
1928, A history of smoking, and why people smoke etc etc
A E Hamilton, introductory essay by Sir Montague Sherman
Methuen, London, 1928
History | Hard Cover | First Editions
Communist Resistance in Nazi Germany
Allan Merson's history and detailed study of Communist activity in Düsseldorf
Allan Merson
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1985
History | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Secret of Japanese Success (Signed copy)
Signed by J Hagiwara, his lecture given in Glasgow in 1906
J Hagiwara
Japanese Consulate, Glasgow, 1906
History | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
Notes on the History of Shipbuilding in South Shields 1746–1946
with appendices
Amy C Flagg
South Tyneside Borough Council, 1979
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Yugoslav-Bulgarian Relations 1941–1945
The history of the two countries relations during the Second World War
Slobodan Nesovic, translated by Margot and Bosko Milosavljevic
Macedonian Review Editions, Skopje, 1979
History | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Central African Journal of Archibald Campbell Scott
Facsimile, limited edition, Scott's journal from Malawi in the 1890s
Archibald Campbell Scott
Society of Malawi, Blantyre, 1986
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Limited Editions
The World of the Ranters
First edition of A L Morton's account of religious radicalism in the English Revolution
A L Morton
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1970
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Inside Africa
From the library of Fleur Cowles and signed by her
John Gunther
Harper & Brothers, New York, 1955
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
Inside Europe Today
From the library of Fleur Cowles and signed by her
John Gunther
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1961
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
The Excavations of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970–1977
Signed by Brian Philp
Brian Philp
Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, Dover, 1981
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Five books on the Irish War of Independence / Easter Rebellion
All in good readable condition
Various, please see below
Various, Dublin, n.d.
History | Soft Cover
Arthurian Chronicles
Everyman's Library No 578, Wace's Roman de Brut and Layamon's Brut
Wace and Layamon, translated by Eugene Mason, introduction by Gwyn Jones. Dustwrapper art by Geoffrey Fraser.
J M Dent, London, 1966
History | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper
The Island of California
A History of the Myth
Dora Beale Polk
The Arthur H Clark Company, Spokane, Washington, 1991
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
The National Library of Wales Journal, Volume XXIX 1995/1996
including articles on Welsh History, Robert Wynn & Plas Mawr etc
The Librarian, (J Lionel Madden)
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1996
History | Hard Cover | First Editions