Recent Additions

Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners
A complete year of three-course meals (1915)
Mrs Elizabeth O Hiller
The N K Fairbank Company, New York, 1915
Food & Drink | Hard Cover

RAF Yatesbury, The History
including the First and Second World Wars, illustrated
Phil Tomaselli
Phil Tomaselli, Bristol, 2004
Military & War | Hard Cover | First Editions

The New Canterbury Tales
1811, a rare early title from Oliver Outline, pseudonym of poet Edward Quillinan
Oliver Outline, pseudonym of Edward Quillinan
Henry Colburn, London, 1811
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

D H Lawrence's Nightmare
The Writer and his Circle in the Years of the Great War
Paul Delany
The Harvester Press, Hassocks, 1979
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Imagism, A Chapter for the History of Modern Poetry
A first edition of Stanley K Coffman's classic study
Stanley K Coffman
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1951
Literary Criticism | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Worst Journey in the World
1951, single volume edition with a Postscript
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Chatto & Windus, London, 1951
Travel & Exploration | Hard Cover | First thus

A Midsummer Memory
1910, An Elegy on the Death of Arthur Upson
Richard Burton
Edmund D Brooks, Minneapolis, 1910
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions | Limited Editions

Yugoslav-Bulgarian Relations 1941–1945
The history of the two countries relations during the Second World War
Slobodan Nesovic, translated by Margot and Bosko Milosavljevic
Macedonian Review Editions, Skopje, 1979
History | Soft Cover | First Editions

Come all ye bold miners
Ballads and Songs from the Coalfields (1952), this copy with gift inscription from R Page Arnot
A L Lloyd, compiler
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1952
Poetry | Soft Cover | First Editions | Association Copy

Art and the Built Environment
1982, first edition of this handbook for teachers
Eileen Adams, and Colin Ward
Longman, London, 1982
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Pick a Pair!
A wonderful 1979 games book with 30 board games for 2 players
Frank Tapson, and Alan Parr
A & C Black, London, 1979
Childrens | Soft Cover | First Editions

South Battersea: The Formative Years 1851–1900
A South London history
Roger Logan
Wandsworth Historical Society, London, 1977
Topography & Local Interest | Soft Cover | First Editions

Photograph album, with original images of the Royal Yacht, Louis Mountbatten as a baby
and with candid shots of King Edward VII, and the actors of the 1900 Oberammergau Passion Play etc
John and Maud Le Couteur
Not Published, 1901
Photography | Hard Cover

A Harmony of the Essays, etc
1871, Arber's English reprint of all Francis Bacon's 58 essays
Francis Bacon, arranged by Edward Arber
Not stated (Edward Arber), London, 1871
Essays | Hard Cover | Fine Bindings | Leather Bound | First thus

The World Almanac and Encyclopedia 1909
A comprehensive round-up of America in 1909—politics, sports, the arts etc
Joseph Pulitzer, introduction
The Press Publishing Co, New York, 1908
Reference & Bibliography | Hard Cover | First Editions

The History of Architecture in India
This copy signed by British artist and sculptor David Heathcote
Christopher Tadgell
Phaidon, London, 1994
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | Association Copy

Gaudier-Brzeska, Life & Art, with Catalogue Raisonne of the Sculpture
This copy signed by British artist and sculptor David Heathcote
Evelyn Silber, with photographs by David Finn
Thames and Hudson, London, 1996
Art | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Association Copy

School Construction 1951
A reprint of the articles which appeared in the school construction section of "Education" (Official Organ of the Association of Education Committees)
Not stated
Councils & Education Press, London, 1951
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Visitation (Signed copy)
Signed by Michele Roberts, the author's second novel
Michele Roberts
The Women's Press, London, 1983
Fiction | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

The Man Takes a Wife
A Study of Man's Problems in and through Marriage
Ira S Wile
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1938
Health & Medicine | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Princess Galva, A Romance
1926, in the original dustwrapper
David Whitelaw
Stanley Paul, London, 1926
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

The Little Girl's Sweet Book
Recipes for sweet delights and how to run a sweet stall...
Flora Klickmann, editor
Office of "The Girl's Own Paper", London, 1924
Food & Drink | Hard Cover | First Editions

Types and Scenes of Egypt, Detachable Phototype Post Cards
c1910/1920, 21 of 24 sepia postcards in a booklet
Not stated
B Livadas & Couticos, Cairo, 1920
Topography & Local Interest | Soft Cover

Seven Tales and Alexander
1929, a first edition of an early H E Bates collection
H E Bates
The Scholartis Press, London, 1929
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Irregular Verses of Rupert Brooke (Signed copy)
Signed by the editor Peter Miller to historian Anne Powell, with two handwritten letters
Peter MIller
Green Branch, Lechlade, 1997
Poetry | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions