
Recent Additions

The Right to Strike

A rare 1921 novel of industrial action and its consequences
Ernest Hutchinson, and Geo. Goodchild
Robert Hayes, London, 1921
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Modern Things

1934, Modern American poetry including Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, and Parker Tyler
Parker Tyler, editor
The Galleon Press, New York, 1934
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions

Les Chants du Bivouac

1914, a rare collection of soldier songs from the Great War
Theodore Botrel, preface by Maurice Barres, illustrated by Carlegle, and with a portrait of the author by Paul Jobert
Payot et Cie, Paris, 1914
Military & War | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Marriage of Shiva and Aphrodite

and The Bliss of the Dance of Creation
Stephen R Hill
Duckworth & Co, London, 2009
History | Soft Cover


De Rauw-Sablon, a Racing Pigeon Dynasty
Silvio Mattacchione, and Nikolaas Gysebrecht
Pigeonparadise, Knesselare, 2012
Sports & Hobbies | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Art of a Champion

Ronald Geerdink's catalogue of champion pigeons from Europe and America
Ronald Geerdink
Neerlands Postduivan Orgaan, Steenbergen, 2003
Sports & Hobbies | Hard Cover | First Editions

Organic Derivatives of Tellurium

and Interaction of Ethylene and Sulphur Monochloride, with a memoir of Richard Henry Vernon
Richard Henry Vernon
Transactions of the Chemical Society, London, 1920
Science, Mathematics & Technology | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

The Jim Russell Story (Signed copy)

Signed and dedicated by Jim Russell
Norman Greenway
Transport Bookman Publications, Isleworth, 1999
Sports & Hobbies | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Kelly's Directory of Cumberland 1894

Professionally rebound, complete with folding map
Kelly's Directories
Kelly & Co, London, 1894
Genealogy | Hard Cover

The Magdala Trilogy

Peter Longley's A Star's Legacy, Beyond the Olive Grove, and The Mist of God
Peter Longley
iUniverse Inc, New York, 2009
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Kelly's Directory of Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorsetshire 1895

Professionally rebound, with three maps
Kelly's Directories
Kelly & Co, London, 1895
Genealogy | Hard Cover


An unpublished stage adaptation by David Castillejo, limited to only 20 copies (this is No 1)
Fernando De Rojas, adapted for the stage and translated by David Castillejo
Not Published, 1968
Drama | Soft Cover | Limited Editions

The Complete Discography of Dimitri Mitropoulos (Signed copy)

Signed by Stathis A Arfanis
S A Arfanis
Irinna S.A., Athens, 1990
Music | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions

George and Robert Stephenson

The Railway Revolution
L T C Rolt
Longmans, London, 1960
Transport | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Poor Monkey, The Child in Literature

from the library of Professor Morton Cohen, an authority on Lewis Carroll and Victorian literature
Peter Coveney
Rockliff, London, 1957
Literary Criticism | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

La Voz de Ofelia (Signed copy)

Signed by Clara Janes
Clara Janes
Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2005
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Plan 9, Architectural Students Association Journal 1951

Architecture and the environment etc
Michael Keyte, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1951
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 8, Architectural Students Association Journal 1950

including Stevenage building, new techniques etc
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1950
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 7, Architectural Students Association Journal 1950

including architectural drawing, and the architecture of Peckham
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1950
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 6, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949

This issue a long illustrated article on architecture
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 5, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949

including the design of the RT3 bus
John Killick, et al, editors, cover design by Jeffrey Howlett & W J G Godwin
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 4, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949

including the St Pancras Way housing scheme
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 3, Architectural Students Association Journal 1948

including writing on the MARS group
A S Hunt, et al, editors, cover design by Ian Baker.
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1948
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Odd Bits of History (Signed copy)

Signed by Henry William Wolff, founder of the International Co-operative Alliance
Henry William Wolff
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1894
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Badgers, Beeches and Blisters (Signed copy)

Signed by Julian Evans, getting started in your own wood
Julian Evans
Patula Books, Basingstoke, 2006
Natural History | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

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