
On Literature, Music and Philosophy

A selection of Andrei Zhdanov's speeches and reports


A A Zhdanov


Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1950
On Literature, Music and PhilosophyOn Literature, Music and PhilosophyOn Literature, Music and Philosophy

Printing Details

First edition. Paperback. 18.5 × 12cm, 112pp.

A series of speeches by Andrei Zhdanov, the Soviet politician and ideologue. Contents: On Literature: 1. Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Society Writers, 1944, 2. Report on the Journals "Zvezda" and "Leningrad", 1947. On Music: Concluding Speech at a Conference of Soviet Music Workers, 1948. On Philosophy: Speech at a Conference of Soviet Philosophical Workers, 1947.


This copy is in very good condition, with some creasing to the spine and a neat previous owner's name to the front cover.



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On Literature, Music and PhilosophyOn Literature, Music and PhilosophyOn Literature, Music and Philosophy

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