Browse by Subject Category—Essays
Norman Douglas's collected essays, this copy signed by Leslie Van Ness Denman
Norman Douglas
Robert McBride & Company, New York, 1925
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions
A Harmony of the Essays, etc
1871, Arber's English reprint of all Francis Bacon's 58 essays
Francis Bacon, arranged by Edward Arber
Not stated (Edward Arber), London, 1871
Essays | Hard Cover | Fine Bindings | Leather Bound | First thus
Portraits and Speculations
1913, Arthur Ransome's essays, this copy signed by Maurice Firuski in 1916
Arthur Ransome
Macmillan, London, 1913
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions | Association Copy
On Literature, Music and Philosophy
A selection of Andrei Zhdanov's speeches and reports
A A Zhdanov
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1950
Essays | Soft Cover | First Editions
Dream Children, A Reverie, and The Child Angel, A Dream
1902, two essays from Charles Lamb in an attractive leather binding
Charles Lamb
De La More Press, London, 1902
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound
"Holmes, This is Amazing", Essays in Unorthodox Research (Signed copy)
Signed by Roger Lancelyn Green to Morton N Cohen
Roger Lancelyn Green
Privately printed, London, 1975
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions | Dustwrapper
Time and Time Again, Essays on Various Subjects
E M Rowell's 1941 collection of essays, signed from the library of Morton N Cohen
E M Rowell
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1941
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Questionings on Criticism and Beauty
Balfour's Romanes Lecture of 1909
Arthur James Balfour
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1909
Essays | Soft Cover | First Editions
Odd Bits of History (Signed copy)
Signed by Henry William Wolff, founder of the International Co-operative Alliance
Henry William Wolff
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1894
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
New Directions, Number Seven, 1942
including Ford Madox Ford and Franz Kafka
Various, including Franz Kafka, Montagu O'Reilly, John Russell McCarthy etc
New Directions, Norfolk, Connecticut, 1942
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions
First Essays in Advertising (Signed copy)
Signed by J Murray Allison
J Murray Allison
Cecil Palmer, London, 1926
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions