Browse by Subject Category—School & University Registers

The Mount School, York, 1785–1814, 1831–1931 (Signed copy)
This copy signed by H Winifred Sturge
H Winifred Sturge, and Theodora Cook
J M Dent, London, 1931
School & University Registers | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Association Copy

Cheltenham College Register 1841–1927
with supplement of 1841–1919 Additions and Corrections 1919–1951
Edward Scot Skirving, editor, and Charles Herbert Pigg (editor, supplement)
The College, Cheltenham, 1928
School & University Registers | Hard Cover

The Malvern Register 1865–1904
including Aleister Crowley who attended 1891–1892
L S Millward, and E C Bullock, revised by R T C Cookson
Malvern Advertiser, Malvern, 1905
School & University Registers | Hard Cover